

Seeking to live as disciples of Jesus Christ, we reach out in Christian service to our families, our parish, our community and our world. We value our Catholic beliefs and nurture our continual growth and faith renewal. We strive to be a welcoming, vibrant Christ-centered community of believers that acknowledges and embraces the diversity of our parish family. Our parish life is centered in the celebration of the Word and of the Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we are committed to be stewards of our time, talent and treasure for the sake of building up the Reign of God.
5:00 PM|
10:30 AM|
6:30 PM|
9:00 AM|
9:00 AM|
9:00 AM|
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM|
Monday - Friday
6:00 AM - 12:00 AM|
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Parish Picnic September 8th!
Please join your fellow parishioners as we celebrate the 75 Anniversary of Immaculate Heart of Mary. Bishop Walkowiak will celebrate 10:30 am Mass with parish festivities to follow! Please sign up for a dish to…
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Photo Directory Submissions
It has been almost 10 years since our last Photo Directory and we really need to update! So many new faces to add to our Parish! This year we will be trying a new online…
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Holy Moments – 75th Anniversary Engagement
As part of our 75th Anniversary year-long celebration, we are collecting Holy Moments as a parish offering. A Holy Moment is a moment in time when we prayerfully consider what it is God wants us…
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VBS Registration is FULL – Adult Volunteer SignUp OPEN
Participant and Youth Volunteer Sign-Up are FULL! Parent Volunteer Sign-Ups are still AVAILABLE! Adult Volunteer
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New Weekend Mass Times
IHM Adapts to a new Mass Schedule Fr. Troy's bulletin letters these last few weeks in May communicates a significant change in the Mass schedule for the two parishes he now serves. He highlights the…
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Catholic Services Appeal
The Grand Rapids Diocese annual CSA is a wonderful opportunity for us here at IHM to help contribute to all the services this Diocese supports throughout the community. Seminarian Formation, Catholic Schools, Catholic Charities, Cultural…
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Sign up for Gift Bearers
As we bring back the Gifts during Offertory during Mass, we would love to have families and couples from the Parish choose a Mass they will be attending to bring the Gifts forward. Just click…
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Interested in Becoming a Catholic?
RCIA classes begin in September! If you have been coming to Mass for a while but are not Catholic …~ we invite you to take a deeper look into the Catholic faith.If you are already…
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Prayer group “Millions of Monicas”
A new prayer group for mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, aunts and friends is beginning Monday evenings @ 7:00 pm in the IHM Church Sanctuary, to support one another and our children in prayer, rosary, song and…
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  • Parish Office Half Days
  • NO Daily Mass
  • Confessions
  • Mass 5:00 pm
  • Burmese Community Prayer
  • Sunday Mass 10:30 am
  • Burmese Potluck
  • Millions of Monicas
  • Daily Mass
  • Rescue Project
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