Parish Website–    

  • Parish Events and News
  • Quick links to Bulletins, Homilies, Ministry Scheduler, Calendars, Online Giving and more!
  • Detailed information on all Ministries and Groups
  • Volunteer opportunities 

Facebook– Immaculate Heart of Mary – Grand Rapids

  • Share parish, school pictures and events going on here at IHM
  • If you are an Instagramer, follow us on ihmparishinsta
  • We have over 1000 followers! Great way to spread the AWESOMENESS of IHM!

Parish App   download MyParish App 

  • For your IOS devices and smartphones. Up to date info in your hand!
  • All Parish information and contact links for staff for both parish and school  is accessible from the App
  • We also use the App for notifications of mass cancellations, weather closures and reminders of important parish events and information.
  • Great Faith Formation Buttons for daily readings, podcasts, videos and much more!

ParishSoft Online Giving

  • Online giving is a convenient and safe way to make a one-time or recurring donation. No need to remember envelopes at weekend mass.
  • When you participate , your gift will transfer directly into the parish bank account. Very safe and secure. You can use a credit card or direct deposit from your bank.
  • Simply sign up online through the portal on our website. Look for the Online Giving button.

Take time to familiarize yourself with all the sources of information for your parish. STAY CONNECTED! STAY ENGAGED!