Divine Mercy Cenacle I
The Oratory of Divine Love meets at 8 am. on Tuesday mornings in the All-Purpose Room. This group’s purpose is prayer, scripture and keeping abreast of the Catholic Church today. Contact: Sue Jakubowski 459-2468 or Amy Hamilton 942-6625
Millions of Monicas
A prayer group that is for mothers, grandmothers, godparents, aunts and friends to gather together in support, song and prayer for our children of all ages, so that they are uplifted and held close. Our children at all stages in life need our guidance, understanding, and lots of love and prayer to help them remain close to our Lord. This is a great community of women supporting one another. Beginning June 28, our prayer group will meet at IHM Church in the sanctuary on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm for one hour. Our mission is to encounter God through prayer for ourselves and our children; to grow in holiness and humility. Please contact the website, www.millionsofmonicas.com for more information.