We would like to highlight the different ways we communicate the parish news, events, resources, notifications and GOOD NEWS of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish.
- Bulletin: the number one way to stay connected to what is going on in the parish is to pick up a weekly bulletin at mass or check it out online at our IHM website. You can even have it emailed to you weekly. The bulletin contains all the pertinent info for the following week at the parish liturgies, parish life and diocesan news. Don’t miss it!
- MyParish App: Our parish has an App that also contains quick links to all the information above, bulletins, events, and many faith formation buttons with great resources to grow your faith. We use the App to send out notifications about Mass cancelations during the week in case Father is out of the office or we have a funeral. It is the BEST way to be notified at the last minute of any changes taking place on campus. MyParish App
- Website: Our new updated website again contains all our information about parish life and quick links for Faith Formation, Youth Ministry, Parish Events, Funeral Announcements, Contact information and Calendars. This is another great resource for last minute changes or updates to schedules. IHM website
- Social Media Sites: IHM Facebook and Instagram shares the events and wonderful happenings here at the parish and school.
- Heart Beat Newsletter: The newsletter comes out in the winter, late Spring and Fall. Wonderful and informative articles written by fellow parishioners that highlight the current events happening at the parish. Look for bulletin inserts and also on the website to access the newsletter past and present!