It has been almost 10 years since our last Photo Directory and we really need to update! So many new faces to add to our Parish! This year we will be trying a new online format. We ask that you submit a digital family or self portrait to the parish. We will then create an online photo directory that only parish members will be allowed to view. A printed directory will also be available to purchase. All submissions are due September 13th, 2024. We will have photographers available at the Parish Picnic September 8th if you would like assistance in the picture taking.

Email your photo as a jpeg or png file to Jane Eggleston

Here are some examples of photos and helpful hints in how to take a quality family

  • Choose a suitable location: Find a location that is well-lit and has a simple background to ensure that the focus is on your family.
  • Use natural lighting: If possible, choose a time of day when the natural light is soft and flattering. Avoid harsh shadows or direct sunlight.
  • Pay attention to composition: Frame the photo well, making sure everyone is visible and centered. Fill the photo with family faces
  • We would gladly help take your portrait for you. Please call Jane Eggleston at the parish office for assistance. 616-241-4477
  • I hope these hints help you capture a beautiful family photo for the parish directory!