areial pic of IHMThe students at IHM have been working on a Parish History Project to help capture moments in the Parish and School history. The children partnered with Deb Moore, our Parish Historian, to make the archives more accessible to all parishioners.  Each team picked a topic and then with Deb’s help found photos and information about that topic.   IHM is  very lucky to have a dedicated archivist for projects like this. Enjoy taking a walk back through time to bring to life the history and the people who helped make it!

Beginnings and Construction

Church Architecture

Pre-Vatican II

Priests of IHM

Tewksbury Social and Fundraiser


School Changes

First Communions

May Crowning and Graduates

Graduation and 8th Grade 1964-2001

Graduation and 8th Grade 2002-2016

School Staff, 1951-1999

School Staff, 2000 – 2016

Boys Basketball


Soccer and Cheer

Yearbooks Throughout History


Picture Slideshow