This is a wonderful subscription service that offers Catholic Media Content in the form of movies, programs, audio and books immediately! IHM has subscribed to this service, so for all of our parishioners, it is FREE! If you are a first time registrant, look for our parish under our zip code, 49506. You will be able to easily log in from this point on. Check out these wonderful series:

  • Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession
  • Eternal Rest: The Art of Dying Well
  • Foretold: Join Dr. Sean Innerst in Foretold, a new series from the Augustine Institute that weaves together the Old and New Testament stories, highlighting their connecting threads of prophecy and fulfillment.

Dynamic Catholic link – Best Lent Ever

The Hallow App – Lent content to guide and pray through (first seven days are free)

Diocese-wide Lenton Fish Fry locations and times

Service to our Community

God’s Kitchen Service Link

Little Black Book

Make sure to pick up the “Little Black Book” in the back of church to guide you throughout Lent with gospel reflections.

Stations of the Cross every Friday in Lent @ 6:00 pm! (Beginning, Friday, March 14th)

Living Stations of the Cross: Friday, March 28 at 6:00 pm.