IHM Adapts to a new Mass Schedule

Fr. Troy’s bulletin letters these last few weeks in May communicates a significant change in the Mass schedule for the two parishes he now serves. He highlights the unexpected appointment as administrator of St. Stephen Parish and the subsequent decision to establish a new schedule for one priest overseeing both parishes.

The new schedule, effective June 1st, includes Saturday Mass at 5:00 pm and Sunday Mass at 10:30 am at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish. Then, effective June 23rd, there will be a Sunday Mass at 8:30 am at St. Stephen Parish.

The reality we face for the future is that Fr. Jameson is a gift to us each day we have him, but such days are numbered. Fr. Troy acknowledges the impact of these changes on the parishioners and offers understanding for any discomfort it may cause. As Christians, we are baptized priests, prophets, and kings He encourages us to view it as an opportunity to exercise our call to sacrifice. He also announces his availability for a question and answer session after each Mass on June 8th and 9th.

Fr. Troy emphasizes the importance of prayer for the transition and for other parishes facing similar adjustments and seeking increased vocations. .

Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!