Lectors proclaim God’s word during the mass. What a privilege it is to use the gift of speech that God has given us to proclaim His word. Lectors do not simply read stories from the Bible at mass, but rather theirs is the voice of God in the proclamation of God’s word. Two lectors are assigned to each weekend mass, one for each of the readings. Lectors should be comfortable with public reading, have clear diction and be willing to prepare and practice on their own before each scheduled mass. Training will be provided to all interested candidates. Contact Katie Hudson, 949-4128. Lectors may access the schedule here. We also recommend the following site to prepare for Sunday’s readings.
Altar Servers
The Altar Servers (also called acolytes) assist the priest during the Mass and during other liturgical celebrations. Those in the fifth grade or older may train to serve at the altar. The training period is throughout fifth grade. During this time trainees serve at school Masses and in a limited way on Sundays. Those who have mastered the responsibilities by sixth grade will be included in the regular Sunday rotation. Once a student reaches high school he or she is welcomed and encouraged to continue serving at the altar. To help those serving in this ministry, the following resources should be utilized: Altar Server Manual / MSP Login
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
What a privilege it is, that being the Body of Christ, we are enabled to distribute the Body of Christ to other members of the Body of Christ. This is a revolving monthly commitment at a Mass of your choosing. Also, anyone interested in bringing the Eucharist to the homebound or nursing homes is very welcomed. Training required. Contact: Joan Bellamy, # 616-822-5733.
Sacristans set up the altar and sanctuary before mass. They are asked to arrive 15 minutes before mass to prepare the credence table and to set out the bread and wine for the Presentation of Gifts. Sacristans serve monthly by mass preference. The rotation depends on the number of volunteers. Training is provided. Contact: Janet Potoczny, 241-4477 Ext. 100
Ushers extend the hospitality of the Lord’s house to all who come to worship. They also take the collection, make sure everyone has a place to sit and to respond to emergencies. Any parishioner, high school aged or older, male or female, may serve as an usher. We are currently in great need for ushers at the Saturday, 5:00 pm Mass. Contact: Jane Eggleston, 241-4477. ext 107